Product Groups Covering MethodAnalyses NameOriginal Method SourceAccreditation Status
Hard Shell Fruits and Products, Oil Seeds and Products, Grains and Products, Pulses and ProductsDetermination of Aflatoxin B₁ and Total Aflatoxin (B₁+B₂+G₁+G₂)
HPLC-FLD Method 
AOAC 991.31
Red Pepper, Dry Fig and Dry ApricotDetermination of Aflatoxin B₁ and Total Aflatoxin (B₁+B₂+G₁+G₂)
HPLC-FLD Method 
AOAC 999.07
Milk, Milk Powder, Milk-Based Baby FoodDetermination of Aflatoxin M1
 AOAC 2000.8 / TS EN ISO14501
Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverages Determination of Ethanol
GC-FID and GC/HS-FID Method
AOAC 984.14
CheesesDetermination of AcidityTS 591
CheesesDetermination of Chloride Content Potentiometric MethodTS EN ISO 5943
OliveAcidityTS 774 
Animal and Vegetable Fats and OilsDetermination of Free Faty Acidity (Free Fatty Acidity)TS EN ISO 660
Wheat Flour, Macaroni, Semolina, Cereal Products Acidity  TS 4500 / TS 6179 ISO 7305 
Processed Hazelnut KernelsAcidityTS ISO 729 
Fruit and Vegetable ProductsAcidityTS 1125 ISO 750 
VinegarAcidityTS 1125 ISO 750 / TS 1880 EN 13188 
Milk PowderAcidityTS 4680  
WineAcidityAOAC 962.12 / TS 522 
TarhanaAcidityTS 2282  
YoghurtAcidityTS 1330  
BreadAcidityTS 5000  
HoneyDetermination of Free AcidityTS 13360
Sauces AcidityAOAC 935.57 
Milk and AyranAcidityTS 1018   
Foods and Food Additives Determination of Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
Titrimetric Method 
AOAC 962.16
WineDetermination of Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
Titrimetric Method  
TS 522
Foods and Food Additives BorateNMKL No: 139 / NMKL No: 161 / TS 3606  / TS 4887 / TS 4888  
Foods and Food Additives SilisiumNMKL No: 139 / NMKL No: 161 / TS 3606 /
TS 4887 / TS 4888
BeerDetermination of Total Acidity TS 2259 / TS 522  
Powder BeveragesDetermination of Total Acidity TS 7058 / TS 1125 ISO 750  
Potatoe ChipsDetermination of SaltTS 3628 
Salt - EdibleDetermination of SaltTS 6675 
Turnip JuiceDetermination of SaltTS 11149  
BreadDetermination of SaltTS 5000  
OliveDetermination of SaltTS 774  
Ayran and CheesesDetermination of SaltTS EN ISO 5943 
Margarine - Vegetable OriginDetermination of SaltTS 2812 
Tomato PasteDetermination of SaltTS 1466 
Dried Soup MixDetermination of Salt ContentTS 3190 / TS 5000 
ButterDetermination of Salt ContentISO 1738 
Edible Oils of Vegetable OriginDetection of Cottonseed OilTS 5041  
Animal and Vegetable Fats and OilsDetectıon of Prina OilTS 5042  
ChocolateDetermination of  Oil ContentTS 7800  
Meat and Meat ProductsDetermination of Crude FatTS 1744   
Pişmaniye (Special Turkish Sweet), Tahini and Tahini Halva Determination of Oil ContentTS 765 / TS 2590 
Milk Powder and CreamDetermination of Oil ContentTFC 2002/16 
SpicesDetermination of Oil ContentTS 3713  
BiscuitsDetermination of Oil ContentTS 2383  
Milk and AyranDetermination of Oil ContentISO 2446 
Cocoa (Grounded)Determination of Oil ContentTS 3076-1 / TS 3076-2 ISO 2451 
Margarine - Vegetable OriginDetermination of Oil ContentTS 2812 
CheeseDetermination of Oil Content
Van Gulik Method
ISO 3433
ButterDetermination of Oil ContentTS 1331  
Yoghurt and Ice-creamDetermination of Oil ContentTS 1330  
Salad Dressing, MayonnaiseDetermination of Oil ContentTS 7437  
Edible Oils of Vegetable OriginDetermination of Sesame OilTS 5044  
Tahini ve Tahini HalvaDetermination of Bitterness (Kreiss)TS 2589  
Distilled and Fermented BeveragesDetermination of Methanol
GC-FID and GC/HS-FID Method
AOAC 968.09
VinegarAcetyl Methyl Carbinol TestTS 1880 EN 13188  
Salt - EdibleDetermination of Insoluble Matter in AcidTS 933, TS 1346 
BeeswaxDetermination of ParaffinThe United States Pharmacopcia 
Baby Formulas, Baby and Child Supplementary Foods Determination of Nitrate
Spectrophotometric Method
AOAC  993.03
Wheat FlourDetermination of Dry GlutenTS EN ISO 21415-3 
Wheat FlourDetermination of Sedimentation IndexTS EN ISO 5529 
Wheat FlourDetermination of Wet GlutenTS EN ISO 21415-1 
TeaDetermination of Water ExtractTS ISO 9768 
Animal and Vegetable Fats and OilsDetermination of Insoluble ImpuritiesTS EN ISO 663 
HoneyDetermination of the Diastase NumberIHC (Chapter No: 6)
Determination of the Diastase NumberTS 13364
Meat and Meat ProductsDetermination of Nitrite 
Spectrophotometric Method
ISO 2918 
Determination of Nitrate
Spectrophotometric Method
 ISO 3091
Edible Oils of Vegetable OriginDetermination of Insoluble Foreign Material and Ash %TS 894  
Wheat FlourGluten IndexTS EN ISO 21415-2  
Animal and Vegetable Fats and OilsDetermination of Content of PolarTS EN ISO 8420  
Animal and Vegetable Fats and all Extractable OilsDetermination of Fatty Acid Composition
[Arashidonic Acid (C20:4n6), Arachidic Acid (C20:0), Behenic Acid (C22:0), Docosahexaenoic Acid (C22:6n3), Eicosadienoic Acid (C20:2), Eicosapentaenoic Acid (C20:5n3), Elaidic Acid (C18:1n9T), Erucic Acid (C22:1n9), Gadoleic Acid (C20:1n9), Heptadecanoic Acid (C17:0), Heptadecenoic Acid (C17:1), Lauric Acid (C12:0), Lignoseric Acid (C24:0), Linoleic Acid (C18:2n6C), Linolelaidic Acid (C18:2n6T), Linolenic Acid (C18:3n3), g-Linolenic Acid (C18:3n6), Miristic Acid (C14:0), Miristoleic Acid (C14:1), Nervonic Acid (C24:1n9), Oleic Acid (C18:1n9C), Palmitic Acid (C16:0), Palmitoleic Acid (C16:1), Pentadecanoic Acid (C15:0), Pentadesenoic Acid (C15:1), Stearic Acid (C18:0)] (Determination the Amount of Saturated / Unsaturated Fatty Acids)
TS EN ISO 12966-1 / TS EN ISO 12966-2 / TS EN ISO 12966-4
HoneyDetermination of Hydroxymethylfurfural
TS 13356
FoodDetermination of Invert Sugar, Total Sugar and SucroseTS 1466 / TS 3036  
Salt - Edibleİodine Analysis (in terms of Potasioum  Iodine)TS 933  
Animal and Vegetable Fats and OilsDetermination of Iodine ValueTS EN ISO 3961 
Tea, Coffee and Non-alcoholic Drinks Determination of Cafein HPLC-UV/DAD MethodJAOAC Vol.76 No:2 
Fruit and Vegetable Products, Natural Starch ProductsDetermination of Starch Content TS EN ISO 10520 
High Water Content, High Acid and High Water ContentDetermination of Some Selected Pesticides
GC-MS/MS Method
(154 – 2-Phenylphenol; 2,4-DDD; 2,4-DDE; 2,4-DDT; 2,4,6-Trichlorphenol; 3,4-Dichloroaniline; 3,5-Dichloroaniline; 4,4-DDD; 4,4-DDE; 4,4-DDT; 4,4-Dichlorobenzophenone; Acibenzolar-S-Methyl; Aclonifen; Aldrin; Ametryn; Atraton; Azobenzene; Beflubutamide; Benfluralin; Bifenazate; Biphenyl; Bixafen; Bromfenvinfos; Bromophos Ethyl; Bromophos Methyl; Bromopropylate; Butralin; Butylate (Sutan); Captan; Carbophenothion; Carfentrazon Ethyl; Chinomethionat; Chlorbenside; Chlordane (cis); Chlordane (trans); Chlordecone (Kepone); Chlordimeform; Chloretoxyfos; Chlorfenapyr; Chlorobenzilate; Chloropropylate; Chlorothalonil; Chlorthiamid; Chlortal Dimethyl; Chlorthiophos; Crimidine; Cyanazine; Cyflufenamid; Cyfluthrin Beta; Cypermethrin Alpha; Cypermethrin Beta; Dazomet; Diallate (Cis); Diallate (Trans); Dichlofenthion; Dicloran (Bortan); Dicofol; Dieldrin; Dimoxystrobin; Dinitramine; Dioxabenzofos; Diphenylamine; Disulfoton; Disulfoton Sulfon; Endosulfan Alpha; Endosulfan Beta; Endrin; EPTC; Esfenvalerate; Etaconazole (Cis); Etaconazole (Trans); Ethalfluralin; Ethofumasate-2-Keto; Etridiazole (Terrazole); Fenchlorphos; Fenchlorphos Oxon; Fenithrothion; Fenson; Fenvalerate; Flamprop Isopropyl; Flufenacet; Flumioxazin; Fluopicolide; Fluquinconazole; Fluridone; Flurtamone; Folpet; Formothion; Fuberizadole; Furalaxyl; Flucithrinate; HCH-Alpha; HCH-Beta; HCH-Delta; HCH-Gamma; Heptachlor; Heptachlor Endo Epoxide; Heptachlor Exo Epoxide; Hexachlorobenzene; Hexazinon; Iodofenphos; Ipconazole; Isocarbophos; Isofenphos; Lambda Cyhalothrin; Leptophos; Mefenpyr Diethyl; Mepaniprym; Metazachlor; Metolcarb; Metrafenone; Methoxychlor; Napropamide; Ofurace; Oxadiargyl; Oxadiazon; Oxyfluorfen; Parathion Ethyl; Parathion Methyl; Pebulate; Pentachloroaniline; Pentachlorobenzene; Pencycron; Perthane (Ethylane); Phorate; Phorate Sulfone; Phtalimide; Picoxystrobin; Primicarb-p-Desmethyl; Procymidone; Prometon; Propetamphos; Prosulfocarb; Proquinazide; Prothioconazole; Pyraflufen Ethyl; Quintozene; Sulprofos; Tebuthiuron; Tecnazene; Tefluthrin; Tetrahydrophtalimide; Tetrasul; Terbufos Sulfone; Tetradifon; Tetramethrin; Thiobencarb; Thiometon; Thionazin; Tolfenpyrad; Tralomethrin; Trifluralin; Vinclozolin; Zoxamide.)
AOAC 2007.01
Vegetable and Animal OilsDetermination of Mineral Oil TS 5039  
Milk and Milk ProductsDetermination of Peroxidase ContentTS 1330  
Animal and Vegetable FatsDetermination of Peroxide Value TS EN ISO 3960 
Food and Food AdditivesDetermination of Protein Content
(Kjeldahl Method)
TS 1620 
Feed and Feed Raw MaterialsDetermination of Protein Content
(Kjeldahl Method)
The Official Gazette 14987 / TS 1620
Animal and Vegetable OilsDetermination of Soap ContentTS 5038  
Animal and Vegetable Fats and OilsDetermination of Saponification ValueTS  EN ISO 3657 
Animal and Vegetable FatsDetermination of Unsaponifiable Matter TS 4963  
FoodDetermination of Cellulose ContentTS 4966  
Food and Food AdditivesDetermination of Benzoic and Sorbic Acid
NMKL No: 124
Salt - EdibleDetermination of Matter Insoluble in WaterTS 933 /TS 1346 
Red Pepper (Powdered and hot-scaled), SumacSudan I and Sudan IV Analysis FSA 145B  
Animal and Vegetable Fats and all Extractable OilsTrans Fatty Acid Composition
(C18:1T, C18:2T, C18:3T)
GC-FID Method
TS EN ISO 12966-1 / TS EN ISO 12966-2 / TS EN ISO 12966-4
Hazelnut and Hazelnut ProductsDetermination of Oil ContentAOAC 948.22 
Glass-based PackagingResistance to Sudden Temperature Changes  TS 2913 
The Polyetilen Package Covered by Polymeric and Resine Extractive Residue Level - Solved in Chloroform FDA / CFR 21 
Plastic Matters and Materials that Come Into Contact with FoodsDetermination of Polymer Content 
FT-IR Method
In-house Method - “KL0125”
(Modified S.T. Japan-Europe GmbH - Spectral Libraries)
Total Migration Analysis
Test Methods for Overall Migration into Aqueous Food Simulants by Total Immersion
TS EN 1186-3
Total Migration Analysis Test Methods for Overall Migration into Aqueous Food Simulants by Article FillingTS EN 1186-9
Total Migration Analysis Test Methods for 'Substitute Tests' for Overall Migration from Plastics Intended to come Into Contact with Fatty Foodstuffs Using Test Media Iso-octane and 95 % EthanolTS EN 1186-14
Total Migration Analysis Dry Food
[(MPPO) Modified Polyphenylene Oxide]
TS EN 1186-13 (Method B)
Spesific Migration Analysis
[2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl) propane
(Bisphenol A)]
EN 14372
Test Methods for Overall Migration into Olive Oil by Total
TS EN 1186-1 / TS EN 1186-2 / TS EN 1186-10 /
TFC 2013/34 / TFC 2013/35
Paper and Paperboard in Contact with Food-Based MaterialsTotal Migration Analysis
[(MPPO) Modified Polyphenylene Oxide]
TS EN 14338
Nylon, Resin Based Plastic PackagingMaximum Extractable Fraction AnalysisFDA / CFR21 
Polistiren Package Acrylonitrile - Butadien - Stiren PackageDetermination of Volatile MatterTS 9700 
Poliolefin Based PackageMaximum Ekstractable Farction in N-HexaneFDA / CFR21 
Porcelain and Seramic-based Samples  Determination of Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) ICP-MS Method)TFC 2012/30 / NMKL No: 186
Foods and Food AdditivesSynthetic Colours
[E102-Tartrazine, E104-Quinoline Yellow, E110-Sunset Yellow, E122-Azorubin (Karmosin), E123-Amaranth, E124-Ponceau, E127-Erythrosine, E129-Allura Red, E131-Patent Blue, E132-İndigotine, E133-Brillant Blue, E142-Acid Green, E151-Brilliant Black]
NMKL No: 130
Food AdditivesDetermination of Total Heavy Metals FCC (Food Chemical Codex) IV 
Feed and Feed Raw MaterialsDetermination of Crude Fat The Official Gazette 29955
Feed and Feed Raw MaterialsDetermination of Salt ContentThe Official Gazette 29955
Feed and Feed Raw MaterialsDetermination of Metabolic EnergyTS 9610 , The Official Gazette 29955 
Feed and Feed Raw MaterialsDetermination of Aflatoxin B₁ and Total Aflatoxin (B₁+B₂+G₁+G₂)
HPLC-FLD Method 
AOAC 2003.02
Feed and Feed Raw Materials
Determination of Raw Cellulose Content
TS 324, TS 315
Feed and Feed Raw MaterialsDetermination of Starch Content 
Polarimetric Method
The Official Gazette 29955
Feed and Feed Raw MaterialsTotal SugarThe Official Gazette 29955
HoneySugar Composition
(Fructose, Glucose and Sucrose Analysis)
IHC (Chapter No: 7.2)
Foods and Food AdditivesLead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Arsenic (As), Mercury (Hg), Copper (Cu), Tin (Sn), Zinc (Zn), Cobalt (Co), Magnesium (Mg), Manganese (Mn), Chromium (Cr), Titanium (Ti), Aluminum (Al), Phosphorus (P), Nickel (Ni), Sodium (Na), Iron (Fe), Calsium (Ca), Potassium (K), Selenium (Se)In-house Method - “KL0138”
(Modified NMKL 186)
Feed and Feed AdditivesLead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Arsenic (As), Mercury (Hg), Copper (Cu), Tin (Sn), Zinc (Zn), Cobalt (Co), Magnesium (Mg), Manganese (Mn), Chromium (Cr), Titanium (Ti), Aluminum (Al), Phosphorus (P), Nickel (Ni), Sodium (Na), Iron (Fe), Calsium (Ca), Potassium (K), Selenium (Se)In-house Method - “KL0138”
(Modified NMKL 186)
WineAmount of Alcohol by Volume
Alcoholimeter / Pycnometer Method
TS 522 
Distilled Alcoholic BeveragesAmount of Alcohol by Volume
Pycnometer Method
TFC 2017/9
Water ProductsHistamine Analysis HPLC-DAD MethodJAOAC Vol.76 No: 3
Water Products, Meat and Meat ProductsDetermination of Total Volatile base Nitrogen (Tvb-N)TFC 2012/73   
Foods and Food Additives, Feed and Feed Raw MaterialsDetermination of Protein Content
(Dumas Principle)
AOAC 990.03 / AOAC 992.15
Cereal and Cereal ProductsDetermination of Ochratoxin A
In-house Method - “KL0143”
(Modified AOAC 2000.03, R-BIOPHARM A14-P14.V7)
CoffeeDetermination of Ochratoxin A
In-house Method - “KL0144”
(Modified R-BIOPHARM A1-P14.V9)
Beer and WineDetermination of Ochratoxin A
In-house Method - “KL0145”
(Modified AOAC 2001.01, R-BIOPHARM A10-P14.V7, R-BIOPHARM A14-P14.V7)
FoodArtificial Sweeteners
(Aspartame, Aceculfame-K, Saccharin)
JAOAC Vol.76 No: 2 
HoneyDetermination of ProlineTS 13357
Food and Feed AdditivesAcetic Acid Purity ControlFCC (Food Chemical Codex) VII 
Food and Feed AdditivesHydrogen Peroxide Purity ControlFCC (Food Chemical Codex) VII 
Food and Feed AdditivesPotassium Hydroxide Purity ControlFCC (Food Chemical Codex) VII 
Food and Feed AdditivesSodium Hydroxide Purity ControlFCC (Food Chemical Codex) VII 
Food and Feed AdditivesCitric Acid Purity ControlFCC (Food Chemical Codex) VII 
Milk and Milk ProductsDetection of GelatineAOAC 920.106 
High Water Content, High Acid and High Water ContentDetermination of Some Selected Pesticides
LC-MS/MS Method
(256 - 2,4-D Acid; 2,4-Dimethylformamide (DMF); 2,4-Dimethylphenyl-N-formamide (DMPF); Acephate; Acetamiprid; Acetochlor; Acrinathrin; Alachlor; Aldicarb; Aldicarb sulfone; Aldicarb Sulfoxide; Ametoctradin; Aramite; Atrazine; Azinphos Ethyl; Azinphos Methyl; Azoxystrobin; Benalaxyl; Bendiocarb; Benomyl; Bensulfuron-methyl; Bentazone; Bifenthrin; Bitertanol; Boscalid; Bromoxynil; Bromuconazole; Bupirimate; Buprofezin; Cadusafos; Carbaryl; Carbendazim; Carbofuran; Carbofuran-3-Hydroxy; Carboxin; Chlorbufam; Chlorfenvinphos; Chlorfluazuron; Chloridazon; Chlorpropham; Chlorpyrifos; Chlorpyrifos methyl; Chlorsulfuron; Clethodim; Clodinafop-propargyl ester; Clofentezine; Clothianidin; Cyazofamid; Cycloate; Cymoxanil; Cypermethrin; Cyproconazole; Cyprodinil; Deltamethrin; Demeton-S-Methyl; Demeton-S-methyl Sulfone; Demethon-S-methyl Sulfoxide; Diafenthiuron; Diazinon; Dichlofluanid; Dichlorvos (ddvp); Diclofob-methyl; Dicrotophos; Diethofencarb; Difenconazole; Diflubenzuron; Dimethenamid-P; Dimethoate; Dimethomorph; Diniconazole; Dinocap; Dinoseb; Dioxacarb; Diphenamid; Ditalimfos; Diuron; Dodine; Emamectin Benzoat; Endosulfan-sulphate; EPN; Epoxiconazole; Ethiofencarb; Ethiofencarb Sulfoxide; Ethion; Ethofumesate; Ethoprophos; Etofenprox; Etoxazole; Famoxadone; Famphur; Fenamidone; Fenamiphos; Fenamiphos Sulfone; Fenamiphos Sulfoxide; Fenarimol; Fenazaquin; Fenbuconazole; Fenhexamid; Fenoxaprop-ethyl; Fenoxycarb; Fenpropathrin; Fenpyroximate; Fenthion; Fenthion Sulfone; Fenthion Sulfoxide; Fipronil; Fipronil Sulfone; Fluazifop-p-butyl; Fluazinam; Flubendiamide; Fludioxonil; Flufenoxuron; Fluopyram; Flurochloridone; Flusilazole; Flutalonil; Flutriafol; Fluxapyroxad; Fonofos; Forchlorfenuron; Formetanate; Fosthiazate; Furathiocarb; Haloxyfop; Haloxyfop-2-Etoxyethyl; Haloxyfop Methyl; Haloxyfop-r-methylester; Heptenophos; Hexaconazole; Hexaflumuron; Hexythiazox; Isoproturon; Imazalil; Imidacloprid; Indoxacarb; Iodosulfuron-methyl sodium; Ioxynil; Iprovalicarb; Isopyrazam; Kresoxim-methyl; Lenacil;  Linuron; Lufenuron; Malaoxon; Malathion; Mandipropamid; Mecarbam; Mepanipyrim Hyroxypropyl; Metalaxyl; Metalaxyl-m; Metamitron; Methacrifos; Methamidophos; Methidathion; Methiocarb; Methiocarb Sulfone; Methiocarb Sulfoxide; Methomyl; Metolachlor; Metolachlor-S; Metosulam; Metoxyfenozide; Metribuzin; Mevinphos; Molinate; Monocrotophos; Monolinuron; Myclobutanil; Neburon; Nicosulfuron; Novaluron; Nuarimol; Omethoate; Oxadixyl; Oxamyl; Oxycarboxin; Paclobutrazol; Paraoxon-ethyl; Penconazole; Pendimethalin; Permethrin; Phenthoate; Phorate Sulfoxide; Phosalone; Phosmet; Phosphamidon; Piperophos; Primicarb; Primiphos-ethyl; Primiphos-methyl; Prochloraz; Profenofos; Profoxydim; Promecarb; Prometryn; Propamocarb hydrochloride; Propaquizafop; Propargite; Propazine; Propiconazole; Propoxur; Propyzamide; Prothiophos; Pymetrozine; Pyraclostrobin; Pyrazophos; Pyridaben; Pyridaphenthion; Pyridate; Pyrimethanil; Pyriproxyfen; Pyroxsulam; Quinalphos; Quinoxyfen; Quizalofop-p-ethyl; Rimsulfuron; Sethoxydim; Simazine; Spinetoram; Spinosad; Spirodiclofen; Spiromesifen; Spirotetramat; Spiroxamine; Sulfosulfuron; Tau-fluvalinate; Tebuconazole; Tebufenozide; Tebufenpyrad; Teflubenzuron; Tepraloxydim; Terbufos; Terbufos Sulfoxide; Terbuthylazine; Terbutryn; Tetrachlorvinphos; Tetraconazole; Thiabendazole; Thiacloprid; Thiamethoxam; Thifensulfuron methyl; Thiodicarb; Thiophanate-methyl; Tolclofos-methyl; Tolylfluanid; Tralkoxydim; Triadimefon; Triadimenol; Triallate; Triasulfuron; Triazophos; Trichlorfon; Trifloxystrobin; Triflumizole; Triflumuron; Triticonazole.)
AOAC 2007.01
Food and Feed AdditivesAscorbic Acid Purity ControlFCC (Food Chemical Codex) VII 
Food and Feed AdditivesMethionine Purity ControlFCC (Food Chemical Codex) VII 
Cereals and Cereal Products, Baby Foods Feed and Feed AdditivesDetermination of Zearalenone Content (ZON)
 JAOAC Vol.90 No: 6
FoodDetermination of Monosodyum GlutamateAOAC 970.37 
BeerColor Analysis TS 2259 
FeedDetermination of Urease Activity  TS 4707 ISO 5506 
Milk and Milk ProductsFat Analysis Other then Milk Fat 
GC-FID Method
TS EN ISO 17678
Food and Feed AdditivesCholine Chloride Purity ControlFCC (Food Chemical Codex) VII 
Juices and Pulps with ApplesDetermination of Patulin
AOAC 2000.02
Baby Foods and Baby Supplementary Foods Determination of Patulin
AOAC 2000.02
Baby Formulas, Baby and Child Supplementary Foods Determination of Melamine
In-house Method - "KL0171"
(Modified R-BIOPHARM, P111)
MilkDetermination of Melamine
In-house Method - "KL0171"
(Modified R-BIOPHARM, P111)
Food and Feed AdditivesMonosodyum Glutamate Purity ControlFCC (Food Chemical Codex) VII 
Animal and Vegetable Fats and all Extractable OilsDetermination of Sterol Composition [Cholesterol/ Brassicasterol / Campesterol / Stigmasterol / Delta-7-stigmastenol / Σ Beta-sitosterol]
GC-FID Method
TS EN ISO 12228-1 / TS EN ISO 12228-2 /
TFC 2014-53 / TFC 2010-35
Animal FeedsDetermination of Melamine
In-house Method - "KL0174"
(Modified R-BIOPHARM, P111)
WaterMetal Analysis (Al, Cr, Sb, Pb, B, As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Ni, Se, Fe, Mn, Na)EPA 200.8 
WaterDetermination of Alkalinity SM 2320/B 
PekmezFructose, Glucose and Sucrose Analysis IHC (Chapter No: 7.2) 
WaterDetermination of Chloride (Potentiometric Method)SM 4500/D  
WaterDetermination of Chloride (Titrimetric Method)SM 4500/C  
WaterDetermination of ColorSM 2120/B 
WaterDetermination of AciditySM 2310/B 
WaterDetermination of Suspended SolidSM 2540/D  
WaterDetermination of Total Solid MatterSM 2540/B 
WaterDetermination of Permanganate IndexTS 6288 EN ISO 8467 
WaterDetermination of NitrateTS 6231 
WaterDetermination of Ammonia NitrogenSM 4500/C 
Cereals and Cereal Products, Baby Foods Feed and Feed AdditivesDetermination of Deoxynivalenol Content (DON)
JAOAC Vol.89 No: 4
Cereals, Products made of Cereals, Baby FoodsDetermination of Fumonisin Content (FB₁+FB₂)
AOAC 2001.04
Meat and Meat ProductsDetermination of Starch ContentTS 6812 
Meat and Meat ProductsDetermination of Hydroxyporoline ContentTS 6236 ISO 3496 
Feed and Feed AdditivesDetermination of NDF, ADF, ADLAOAC 973.18 / USDA No: 379 
ChocolateDetermination of Nonfat-coccoa RateTS 7800 
MilkDetermination of HomogenizationTS 1019 
Filled and Flavoured Chocolates Determination of Chocolate PartTS 7800 
Carbonated/Sparkling BeveragesDetermination of Artificial Foamer (Saponin)Gıda Maddeleri Muayene ve Analiz Yöntemleri Kitabı 
Tahini HalvaDetermining the Amount of TahiniTS 2590 
Feed and Feed Raw MaterialsDetermination of UreaThe Official Gazette 29955 
The Food Contact Packaging Materials, Colored Papers and PaperboardsDetermination of Paint Permeability EN 646 
FoodDetermination of Total Dietary FiberAOAC 985.29 
FoodDetermination of the Amount of CarbohydrateFood Energy - Methods of Analysis and Conversion Factors (Atwater) 
FoodDetermination of Total EnergyFood Energy - Methods of Analysis and Conversion Factors (Atwater) 
Olive Oil and Prina OilDetermination of the Specific Absorption Under Ultraviolet LightTFC 2014/53 
Cereals and LegumesDetermination of Protein ContentTS EN ISO 20483 
FoodDetermination of CelluloseTS 6932 
Baby Foods and Baby Supplementary FoodsDetermination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH)
[Benzo(a)piren, Krisen, Benzo(a)antrasen, Benzo(b)floranten]
In-house Method - “KL0210”
(Modified TS EN ISO 15753)
Water Products, Smoked Meat and Products, Cocoa Seeds and ProductsDetermination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH)
[Benzo(a)piren, Krisen, Benzo(a)antrasen, Benzo(b)floranten]
JAOAC Vol:94 No:5
Grain Based Baby FoodsDetermination of Aflatoxin B₁ and Total Aflatoxin (B₁+B₂+G₁+G₂)
AOAC 2000.16
Grain Based Baby FoodsDetermination of Ochratoxin A
AOAC 2000.03
WaterDetermination of HardnessSM 2340/C 
WaterDetermination of AmmoniumTS 7159 
WaterDetermination of TurbiditySM 2130/B 
BeerDetermination of TurbidityAOAC 970.14 
WaterDetermination of SulfateTS 5095 
WaterDetermination of Nitrite TS 7526 EN 26777 
WaterLinked, Free and Total ChlorineTS 5489 EN ISO 7393-1 
Cereals and Cereal Products, Animal Feeding StuffsDetermination of Crude Fat and Total FatTS EN ISO 11085 
Oil SeedsDetermination of Fat ContentTS EN ISO 659 
SaltDetermination of Alkalinity Gıda Maddeleri Muayene ve Analiz Yöntemleri Kitabı 
MilkHydrogen Peroxide (H₂O₂)
(Determination of Oxidising Matter)
TS 1018 
Feed and Feed Raw MaterialsDetermination of Ochratoxin A
AOAC 2000.03
Cat and Dog FoodsDetermination of Ochratoxin A
AOAC 2000.03
MilkDetermination of CarbonateTS 1018 
MilkDetermination of FormaldehydeTS 1018 
White SugarDetermination of PolarizationTS 861 
Red PepperDetermination of Salt ContentTS 3706 
WineLead (Pb)
ICP-MS Method
CheesesDetermination of Aflatoxin M1
MAFF Procedure
Feed and Feed Raw MaterialsDetermination of Fumonisin Content (FB₁+FB₂)
AOAC 2001.04
SaltDetermination of SulfateGıda Maddeleri Muayene ve Analiz Yöntemleri Kitabı 
Meat and Meat ProductsDetermination of Salt ContentTS 1747-2 ISO 1841-2 
Food, Food Additives and Food Supplement (includes Baby and Child Supplementary Foods)Analysis of Total of Dioxins (WHO PCDD/F-TEQ)EPA 1613
Food, Food Additives and Food Supplement (includes Baby and Child Supplementary Foods)Analysis of  Dioxins and Dioxins Similar PCB's (WHO PCDD/F/PCB-TEQ)EPA 1613, EPA 1668
Food, Food Additives and Food Supplement (includes Baby and Child Supplementary Foods)Analysis of Total Indicator PCB's (PCB28, PCB52, PCB101, PCB138, PCB153, ve PCB180 (total ICES-6)) EPA 1668
Feed and Feed AdditivesAnalysis of Total of Dioxins (WHO PCDD/F-TEQ)TS EN 16215
Feed and Feed AdditivesAnalysis of  Dioxins and Dioxins Similar PCB's (WHO PCDD/F/PCB-TEQ)TS EN 16215
Feed and Feed AdditivesAnalysis of Total Indicator PCB's (PCB28, PCB52, PCB101, PCB138, PCB153, ve PCB180 (total ICES-6)) TS EN 16215
Distilled and Fermented Alcoholic BeveragesDetermination of Tertiary Butyl Alcohol (TBA) GC/HS-FID Method IS 4117
Food (Baby Formulas, Baby and Child Supplementary Foods)Detection and Amount of Some Selected Pesticides Determination Analysis GC-MS/MS Method (145) – 2,4-DDD; 2,4-DDE; 2,4-DDT; 3,4-Dichloroaniline; 3,5-Dichloroaniline; 4,4-DDD; 4,4-DDE; 4,4-DDT; 4,4-Dichlorobenzophenone; Acibenzolar-S-Methyl; Aclonifen; Aldrin; Ametryn; Atraton; Azobenzene; Beflubutamide; Benfluralin; Bifenazate; Biphenyl; Bromfenvinfos; Bromophos Ethyl; Bromophos Methyl; Bromopropylate; Butralin; Butylate (Sutan) ; Carbophenothion; Carfentrazon Ethyl; Chinomethionat; Chlorbenside; Chlordane (cis); Chlordane (trans); Chlordimeform; Chloretoxyfos; Chlorfenapyr; Chlorobenzilate; Chloropropylate; Chlorothalonil; Chlorthiamid; Chlortal Dimethyl; Chlorthiophos; Crimidine; Cyanazine; Cyflufenamid; Cyfluthrin Beta; Cypermethrin Alpha; Cypermethrin Beta; Dazomet; Diallate (cis); Diallate (trans); Dichlofenthion; Dicloran (Bortan); Dicofol; Dieldrin; Dimoxystrobin; Dinitramine; Dioxabenzofos; Diphenylamine; Disulfoton; Disulfoton Sulfon; Disulfoton Sulfoxide; Endosulfan Alpha; Endosulfan Beta; Endrin; Esfenvalerate; Etaconazole (Cis); Etaconazole (Trans); Ethalfluralin; Ethofumasate-2-Keto; Etridiazole (Terrazole); Fenchlorphos; Fenchlorphos Oxon; Fenithrothion; Fenson; Fenvalerate; Flamprop Isopropyl; Flufenacet; Fluopicolide; Fluquinconazole; Fluridone; Flurtamone; Folpet; Formothion; Furalaxyl; Flucithrinate; HCH-Alpha; HCH-Beta; HCH-Delta; HCH-Gamma; Heptachlor; Heptachlor-Endo-Epoxide; Heptachlor Exo Epoxide; Hexachlorobenzene; Hexazinon; Iodofenphos; Ipconazole; Isocarbophos; Lambda Cyhalothrin; Leptophos; Mefenpyr Diethyl; Mepaniprym; Metazachlor; Metolcarb; Metrafenone; Methoxychlor; Napropamide; Nitrofen; Ofurace; Oxadiargyl; Oxadiazon; Oxyfluorfen; Parathion Ethyl; Parathion Methyl; Pebulate; Pencycron; Pentachloroaniline; Pentachlorobenzene; Perthane (Ethylane); 2-Phenylphenol; Phorate Sulfone; Phtalimide; Picoxystrobin; Primicarb-p-Desmethyl; Procymidone; Prometon; Propetamphos; Prosulfocarb; Proquinazide; Prothioconazole; Pyraflufen Ethyl; Quintozene; Sulprofos; 2,4,6-Trichlorphenol; Tebuthiuron; Tecnazene; Tefluthrin; Tetrasul; Terbufos Sulfone; Tetradifon; Tetrahydrophtalimide; Tetramethrin; Thiobencarb; Thiometon; Thionazin; Trifluralin; Vinclozolin.AOAC 2007.01
Food (Baby Formulas, Baby and Child Supplementary Foods)Determination of Dithiocarbamat Group Pesticides GC-MS/MS Method (10) – Etylenethiourea (ETU); Ferbam; Mancozeb; Maneb; Metiram; Propineb; Propylenethiourea (PTU); Thiram; Zineb; Ziram dahil dithiokarbamatlar; CS2 cinsinden).Acta Chim Slov.2006,53, 100-104
Food, Food Additives and Food SupplementsDetermination of Sucralose HPLC-DAD MethodTS EN 16155
Plastic Matters and Materials that Come Into Contact with FoodsDetermination of Aluminum (Al), Barium (Ba), Cobalt (Co), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Lithium (Li), Manganese (Mn), Nickel (Ni), Zinc (Zn) ICP-MS MethodNMKL 186, TS EN 13130-1, TS EN ISO 17294-1, TS EN ISO 17294-2
Cereal and Cereal ProductsDetermination of Sodium chloride (NaCl)TS 5000
Foods and Food Additives (Excluding onion, leek and cabbage)Determination of Sodium Metabisulfite Titrimetric MethodAOAC 962.16


Product Groups Covering MethodAnalyses NameOriginal Method SourceAccreditation Status
BiscuitDetermination of Ash Insoluble in HClTS 2383
Cereal and Cereal ProductsDetermination of Ash Insoluble in HClTS 2383
TeaDetermination of Ash Insoluble in HClTS 1566 ISO 1577
Cocoa (Ground)Determination of Ash Insoluble in HClTS 3076-1
PekmezDetermination of Ash Insoluble in HClTS 3792 / ISO 763
Dried Soup MixDetermination of Ash Insoluble in HClTS 2383 
SpicesDetermination of Ash Insoluble in HClTS 2133 ISO 930
 Fruit and Vegetable ProductsDetermination of Ash Insoluble in HClISO 763
Fruit and Vegetable JuicesDetermination of Brix (Water Soluble Solids) Refractometric MethodTS EN 12143 
Tomato PasteDetermination of Brix (Water Soluble Solids)TS 1466 
Fruit and Vegetable ProductsDetermination of Brix (Water Soluble Solids) Refractometric MethodTS 4890
Carbonated Non-alcoholic Beverages Determination of Brix (Water Soluble Solids)TS 4080 , TS 13568 
Glucose SyrupsDetermination of Brix (Water Soluble Solids)TFC 2002/26 
Grape MolassesDetermination of Brix (Water Soluble Solids)TS 3792, TS 4890 
Animal and Vegetable Fats and OilsRefractive IndexTS EN ISO 6320 
ButterRefractive IndexTS ISO 1739 
Viscous MaterialsRefractive IndexTS 6593 
Wheat Flour Residue on SieveTS 4500 
Wheat Flour Sieve AnalysisTS 4500 
Rice Flour Residue on SieveTS 2639 
Rough RiceQuality Criteria and Class PropertiesTS 3997 
Hazelnut Kernels and Unshelled HazelnutsQuality Criteria and Class PropertiesTS 3075 
Processed Hazelnut KernelsQuality Criteria and Class PropertiesTS 1917 
RiceQuality Criteria and Class PropertiesTS 2408 
Pumpkin Seed Quality Criteria and Class PropertiesTS 5086 
Dried ApricotsQuality Criteria and Class PropertiesTS 485 
Walnut KernelsQuality Criteria and Class PropertiesTS 1276 
Unshelled WalnutsQuality Criteria and Class PropertiesTS 1275 
Royal JellyDetermination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS 6666 
SpicesDetermination of  Dry Matter or Moisture ContentTS  2134
Turkish DelightDetermination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS 1201 EN ISO 1741 
PulsesDetermination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS ISO 24557
HoneyDetermination of  Dry Matter Refractometric MethodTS 13365
TeaDetermination of  Dry Matter or Moisture ContentTS 1562
Cocoa BeanDetermination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS 2211 
Raisins-seed Bearing and Seedless RaisinDetermination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS 485 
ChocolateDetermination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS 7800 
Instant CoffeeDetermination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS ISO 3726 
Ice-creamDetermination of  Total Dry MatterTS ISO 3728 
Bread and Dough LeavesDetermination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS 5000
Meat and Meat ProductsDetermination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS  1743 ISO 1442
Animal and Vegetable FatsDetermination of Moisture and Volatile MatterTS EN ISO 662 
Dry Soup Mix and Baby FoodDetermination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS 3190, TS 1252 EN ISO 1666 
Unshelled Walnuts and Walnut KernelsDetermination of MoistureTS 1275 / TS 1276 
Unprocessed Hazelnut KernelsDetermination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS 3075, TS 1280 
Processed Hazelnut Kernels, PeanutsDetermination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS 1917 / TS ISO 771 
Green CoffeeDetermination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS 2314 
Coffee (Roasted, Grounded)Determination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS ISO 11294
Cocoa (Ground)Determination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS 3076-1
Caseins and CaseinatesDetermination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS ISO 5550 
Fruit and Vegetable Products Determination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS 1129 ISO 1026 
StarchDetermination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS 1252 EN ISO 1666 
CheesesDetermination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS EN ISO 5534
Coffee (Roasted, Grounded)Determination of Ash Insoluble in HClTS 13423
VinegarDetermination of  Dry Matter or ContentTS 1880 EN 13188 / AOAC 930.35 
Milk PowderDetermination of Moisture ContentTS 1329 
Milk and AyranDetermination of Fatless Dry MatterTS 1018
Sugar and Sugar ProductsDetermination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTFC 2002/26 
Cereals and Cereal Products (Excluding corn) Determination of  Dry Matter or Moisture ContentTS EN ISO 712
ButterDetermination of  Dry Matter or Moisture ContentTS 1331,TS EN ISO 5534 
Powder BeveragesDetermination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS 7058 
Oilseeds (Sunflower Seed, Linseed, Hemp Seed, Poppy Seed, Rape Seed, Sesame Seed, Cottonseed)Determination of Moisture and Volatile Matter ContentTS 1632 EN ISO 665 
Salt - EdibleDetermination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS 933 
YoghurtDetermination of  Dry Matter or MoistureTS 1330
SpicesDetermination of Total AshTS 2131 ISO 928
HoneyDetermination of Total AshTS 3036 / TS 2131 ISO 928 
BiscuitDetermination of Total AshTS 2383 / TS EN ISO 2171 
TeaDetermination of Total AshTS 1564
Meat and Meat ProductsDetermination of Total AshTS 1746 ISO 936 
WafersDetermination of Total AshTS EN ISO 2171 
Coffee (Roasted, Grounded)Determination of Total AshTS 13423
Instant CoffeeDetermination of Total AshTS EN ISO 2171, TS 5389
Cocoa (Grounded)Determination of Total AshTS 3076-1
Pekmez (Made from Grape, Fig etc.)Determination of Total AshTS 3792 
PollenDetermination of Total AshTS 10255 
VinegarDetermination of Total AshTS 522 / TS 1880 EN 13188 
WineDetermination of Total AshTS 522 
Tahini Halva and TahiniDetermination of Total AshTS 2589 / TS 2590 / TS ISO 6884 
Cereals and Cereal ProductsDetermination of Total AshAOAC 923.03
Dough LeavesDetermination of Total AshTS 5000 
AyranDetermination of Specific Gravity (With pycnometer) TS 1018 
MilkDetermination of Specific Gravity  (With pycnometer)TS 1018 
Animal and Vegetable FatsDetermination of Specific Gravity  (With pycnometer)TS 4959 
Fruit JuicesDetermination of Specific Gravity  (With pycnometer)TS EN 1131 
WineDetermination of Specific Gravity  (With pycnometer)TS 522 
Edible Oils of Vegetable OriginDetermination of Specific Gravity  (With pycnometer)TS 894 
Olive OilDetermination of Specific Gravity (With pycnometer) TS 342 
CheesesDetermination of pH Potentiometric MethodTS 591
BeerpH TS 2259 
Instant CoffeepH TS 5389 
Meat and Meat ProductsDetermination of pH Potentiometric MethodTS 3136 ISO 2917
Food Additives pH FCC (Food Chemical Codex) V 
Fruit and Vegetable JuicespH TS EN 1132 
Fruit and Vegetable Products pH TS 1728 ISO 1842
Bakers YeastDetermination of  MoistureTS 3522
Coffee (Grounded)Determination of Water Soluble Ash and Water Insoluble AshTS 13423 
Black TeaDetermination of Water Soluble Ash and Water Insoluble AshTS 1565 
Instant CoffeeSolubility in WaterTS 5389 
Milk PowderSolubility in WaterTS 1329 
Cereals and PulsesDetermination of the Mass of 1000 GrainsTS EN ISO 520 
HoneyDetermination of
Electrical Conductivity
İnternational Honey Commission
Chapter 2
Spices [Red pepper (Hot scaled),  Black Pepper (Whole and Ground), Allspice] Determination of Particle Size DistributionTFC 2000/16 
Granular ProductsBroken or Empty Grain TS 309 / TS 3200 / TS 3415 
All Products Determination of Proportion of Insect Damaged, Dead Insect and the Other ParasitesTS 2974 
All Products Total Weight in kg Gross/NetProduct Standard or Notifications 
Turkish DelightDetermination of Fruit and CreamTS 8444 
Cereal and PulsesDetermination of Other VarietiesTS 3200 
Wheat Flour Falling NumberTS EN ISO 3093 
Several ProductsLabel and Packaging ControlThe Official Gazette 28157 
Rose WaterDetermination of Non-Volatile Matter ContentTS 5555 
Black Pepper Lightweight GrainTS 2290 ISO 959-1 
WheatDamaged GrainTS 2974 
Cereals (Wheat, Barley etc.) Hectoliter WeightTS 2974, TS EN ISO 7971-3 
FigsPhysical Examination of Insect HeadTS 542 
Barley, Oat, Corn, Wheat, Rice, Chickpeas, Soy, Pine NutsBroken and Unpeeled Shell GrainTFC 2003/25 
Canned FoodFilling Capacity (%) TS 1468 / TS 2664 
Canned FoodDrained Weight  (%) TS 1468 / TS 2664 
MacaroniThe Amounts of Water Soluble ComponentsTS 1620 
Jams (Sour Cherry, Strawberry, Apricot, Plum, Quince)Determination of Fruit ContentTS 3958 
All Products that can be Analyzed as SensoryOrganoleptic AnalysisProduct Standard or Notifications / TS EN ISO 5492, TS ISO 11037 
Total Powder Tea Amount
TFC 2015/30 
Tomato PasteDetermination of Black SpotTS 1466 
Salt - EdibleSize AnalysisTS 933 / TFC 2013/48 
SpicesDetermination of Volatile Oil ContentTS EN ISO 6571, TS 2134 
Foods, Food Additives, Cereals Foreign MatterProduct Standard or Notifications  
Soy SauceDetermination of Total Solid ContentTS EN 12145 / TS 12968 
Food AdditivesDetermination of Total AshFCC (Food Chemical Codex) V 
Starch and Starch ProductsDetermination of Sulfated AshTS 6361 EN ISO 5809 
Foods and Food Additives
(Excluding Starch)
Determination of Sulfated AshFCC (Food Chemical Codex) V
Canned ProductsLeakage-BloatingTS 1468, TS 353, TS 2664, AOAC 981.12 
UHT Milk and Canned ProductspH TFC 2009/68 / AOAC 981.12 
Feed and Feed Raw MaterialsDetermination of  Dry Matter or Moisture ContentThe Official Gazette 29955
Feed and Feed Raw MaterialsDetermination of Crude AshTS ISO 5984
StarchDetermination of AshTS 5816 EN ISO 3593 
Chicken EggCalibrationTS 1068 / TFC 2007/54 
Table OlivesCalibrationTS 774 / TFC 2014/33  
Tahini Halva, Tahini and CakesDetermination of Moisture ContentTS 1201 EN ISO 1741 / TS 2589 / TS 2590 / TS 13375 
Table OlivespHTS 774 / TS 1728 ISO 1842 
HoneyDetermination of Water Insoluble SolidsTS 3036 
Rose JamDetermination of Amount of LeafTS 5135 
Animal FeedsDetermination of Ash Insoluble in HClTS ISO 5985
Coffee (Grounded)Determination of Water Soluble SolidsTS 13423 
ButterDetermination of Non-Fat Solids ContentTS 1331 
BarleySensory and Physical AnalysisTS 4078 
Feed, Horse Feed Sensory and Physical AnalysisTS 10588 
Feed, Fish Feed Sensory and Physical AnalysisTS 9860 
WheatSensory and Physical AnalysisTS 2974 
Feeds, Wheat BranSensory and Physical AnalysisTS 9278 
Hemp SeedSensory and Physical AnalysisTS 314 / TS 2947 EN ISO 658 
Feed, Bird FeedSensory and Physical AnalysisTS 487 
Sorghum Sensory and Physical Analysis TS 141 / TS 9862 
Feed, Rabbit FeedSensory and Physical AnalysisTS 9309 
CornSensory and Physical AnalysisTS 3415 
OatSensory and Physical AnalysisTS 3200 
Feed and Feed AdditivesSensory and Physical AnalysisYem Değerlendirme ve Analiz Yöntemleri
Feed and Feed Raw MaterialsDetection of Animal Origin ComponentsThe Official Gazette 29955 
Boiled and Pounded WheatSensory and Physical AnalysisTS 2284 / TFC 2009/24 
ChickpeasSensory and Physical AnalysisTS 142 
Dry BeansSensory and Physical AnalysisTS 141 
LentilsSensory and Physical AnalysisTS 143 / TFC 2003/25 
BlackcurrantsDetermination of Grains in 25 grTFC 2000/16 
Raisins SeedlessSensory and Physical AnalysisTS 3411 
Ice-creamDetermination of Fat Free Solid ContenctTS 4265 / TS ISO 3728 
Cocoa BeansSerious DefectsTS 2210 / TS 3076-2 ISO 2451 
Cocoa BeansDetermination of Moisture ContentTS 2211 
Canned FishDetermination of Water or Oil Content TS 353 
Extruded Snack FoodSerious Defects and Immature Piece in Extruded Snack FoodsTS 11999 
SugarDetermination of Conductivity AshTS 861 
OilseedsForeign Matter TS 2947 EN ISO 658 
Cereal and Cereal ProductsDetermination of Ash ContentTS EN ISO 2171
Powder BeveragesDetermination of Loss of DryingTS 7058 
Water Determination of ConductivityTS 9748 EN 27888
Canned ProductspHTS 2664, TS 1728 ISO 1842 
Water pH TS EN ISO 10523
Corn (Milled Grains and Whole Grains)Determination of Moisture ContentTS EN ISO 6540 
PulsesDetermination of Impurities, Size, Foreign Odours, Insects and Species and Variety TS 1387 ISO 605 
LahmacunDetermination of the Upper Materials RateTSE K 199 
Fruit and Vegetable JuicesDetermination of AshTS EN 1135 
Fruit and Vegetable ProductsDetermination of AshTS 4888 
Fruit and Vegetable JuicesAlkalinity of Ash TS EN 12144 
Coffee, TeaDetermination of Water Soluble Alkalinity of Ash TS 1567 
CocoaDetermination of Thinness (Particle Size)TS 3076-1 
Boiled and Pounded WheatDetermination of Insect PartsTS 2284 
Distilled Alcoholic BeveragesDetermination of Dry Matter ContentTFC 2013/11 
WineDetermination of Dry Matter ContentTS 522 
GumDetermination of AshTS 8000 
GumDetermination of Gum YeastTS 8000 
Ice-creamDetermination of Volume ExpansionTS 4265 
Frozen Sea ProductsDetermination of Glaze Rate and Weight in NetCodex Alimentarius Standard 165  
Caseins and Caseinates (Excluding Ammonium Casein and Caseinates)Determination of AshISO 5545 
Frozen MeatDetermination of Water RateTS 2409 
OliveDetermination of Meat RateTS 12343 / TS 12352  
BaconDetermination of Spices RateTS 1071 
Animal and Vegetable Fats and OilsDetermination of Slip - Melting Point TS EN ISO 6321 / TS 2812 
Roasted ChickpeaDetermination of Covering RateTS 13194 
Halva, Rusk and CakesDetermination of Separable FlavorsTS 2590 / TS 12117 / TS 13375  
Canned FishDetermination of Part RateTS 353 / TS 2664 
Sugar and Sugar SyrupsDetermination of AshAOAC 900.02 
Milk and Milk ProductsDetermination of AshAOAC 925.21, AOAC 920.108, AOAC 945.46, AOAC 930.30, AOAC 955.30, AOAC 935.42 
YeastDetermination of Total AshFCC (Food Chemical Codex) V 
YeastDetermination of Fermentation PowerTS 3522 


Product Groups Covering MethodAnalyses NameOriginal Method SourceAccreditation Status
Food,Feed GMO Screening Test (p35S/tNOS/pFMV)
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
Kit Method (Eurofins GeneScan GMO Screen RT 35S/NOS/FMV IPC Test Kit) / ISO 21569 / ISO 24276

Kit Method (Eurofins Genespin DNA Isolation Kit) / ISO 21571
Food,Feed GMO Screening Test (p35S/tNOS/pFMV)
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
Kit Method (Bosphore GMO Screening 35S – tNOS – FMV v3) / ISO 21569 / ISO 24276

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Plant Kit) / ISO 21571
Food,Feed Determination of  Species (Porcine)
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
Kit Method (Kogenebiotech Power Chek Porcine Species Kit)

Kit Method (Eurofins Genespin DNA Isolation Kit)
Food,Feed Determination of  Species (Porcine)
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
Kit Method (InstantLabs Porcine Species Food Verification Kit)

Kit Method (Eurofins Genespin DNA İzolasyon Kit)
Meat and Meat ProductsDetermination of  Meat Type (Horse)
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
Kit Method (Bosphore Species Identification Kit Horse v1)

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Tissue Kit)
Meat and Meat ProductsDetermination of  Meat Type  (Goat)
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
Kit Method (Bosphore Species Identification Kit Goat v1)

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Tissue Kit)
Meat and Meat ProductsDetermination of Meat Type  (Chicken)
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
Kit Method (Bosphore Species Identification Kit Chicken v1)

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Tissue Kit)
Meat and Meat ProductsDetermination of Meat Type  (Turkey)
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
Kit Method (Bosphore Species Identification Kit Turkey v1)

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Tissue Kit)
Meat and Meat ProductsDetermination of Meat Type  (Sheep)
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
Kit Method (Bosphore Species Identification Kit Sheep v1)

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Tissue Kit)
Meat and Meat ProductsDetermination of Meat Type  (Bovine)
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
Kit Method (Bosphore Species Identification Kit Sheep v1)

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Tissue Kit)
Powder Gelatine, Powder Gelatin Containing Products, Gelatin CapsulesDetermination of Meat Type  (Bovine)
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
Kit Metohod (Bosphore Species Identification Kit Bovine v1)

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Tissue Kit)
Kit Method (Eurofins Genespin DNA Isolation Kit)
Powder Gelatine, Powder Gelatin Containing Products, Gelatin CapsulesDetermination of Meat Type  (Fish)
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
Kit Method (Bosphore Species Identification Kit Fish v1)

Kit Method (Eurofins Genespin DNA Isolation Kit)
Food,Feed Plant Specific Soy Gene Screening Test
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
Kit Method (Bosphore Soy Species Detection Kit v1)
ISO 21569 / ISO 24276

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Plant Kit) / ISO 21571
Food,FeedPlant Specific Cotton Gene Screening Test
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
Kit Method (Bosphore Cotton Species Detection Kit v1)
ISO 21569 / ISO 24276

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Plant Kit) / ISO 21571
Food,FeedMON87701 Soy Type Identification Analysis
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
EURL Method (QT-EVE-GM-010)
ISO 21569 / ISO 24276

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Plant Kit) / ISO 21571
Food,FeedMON87708 Soy Type Identification Analysis
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
EURL Method (QT-EVE-GM-012)
ISO 21569 / ISO 24276

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Plant Kit) / ISO 21571
Food,FeedMON87769 Soy Type Identification Analysis
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
EURL Method (QT-EVE-GM-002)
ISO 21569 / ISO 24276

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Plant Kit) / ISO 21571
Food,Feed CV127 Soy Type Identification Analysis
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
EURL Method (QT-EVE-GM-011)
ISO 21569 / ISO 24276

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Plant Kit) / ISO 21571
Food,Feed DP-305423-1 Soy Type Identification Analysis
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
EURL Method (QT-EVE-GM-008)
ISO 21569 / ISO 24276

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Plant Kit) / ISO 21571
Food,FeedDAS 68416-4  Soy Type Identification Analysis
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
EURL Method (QT-EVE-GM-013)
ISO 21569 / ISO 24276

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Plant Kit) / ISO 21571
Food,Feed DAS 81419-2 Soy Type Identification Analysis
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
EURL Method (QT-EVE-GM-014)
ISO 21569 / ISO 24276

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Plant Kit) / ISO 21571
Food,Feed DAS 44406-6 Soy Type Identification Analysis
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
EURL Method (QT-EVE-GM-015)
ISO 21569 / ISO 24276

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Plant Kit) / ISO 21571
Food,Feed MON 87751 Soy Type Identification Analysis
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
EURL Method (QT-EVE-GM-016)
ISO 21569 / ISO 24276

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Plant Kit) / ISO 21571
Food,Feed  281-24-236 Cotton Type Identification Analysis
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
EURL Method (QT-EVE-GH-001a)
ISO 21569 / ISO 24276

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Plant Kit) / ISO 21571
Food,Feed 3006-210-23 Cotton Type Identification Analysis
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
EURL Method (QT-EVE-GH-001b)
ISO 21569 / ISO 24276

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Plant Kit) / ISO 21571
Food,Feed GHB614  Cotton Type Identification Analysis
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
EURL Method (QT-EVE-GH-006)
ISO 21569 / ISO 24276

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Plant Kit) / ISO 21571
Meat and Meat ProductsDetermination of Meat Type  (Donkey)
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
Kit Method (Bosphore Species Identification Kit Donkey v1)

Kit Method (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Plant Kit) / ISO 21571
Food,Feed  Plant Specific Soy Gene Screening Test
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
EURL Method (QT-TAX-GM-002), ISO 21569, ISO 24276

Kit Metodu (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Plant Kit / Eurofins Genespin DNA İsolation Kit) / ISO 21571
Food,Feed  Plant Specific Cotton Gene Screening Test
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
EURL Metot (QT-TAX-GH-015), ISO 21569, ISO 24276

Kit Metodu (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Plant Kit / Eurofins Genespin DNA İsolation Kit) / ISO 21571
Food,Feed  Plant Specific Corn Gene Screening Test
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
EURL Metot (QT-TAX-ZM-002), ISO 21569, ISO 24276

Kit Metodu (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Plant Kit / Eurofins Genespin DNA İsolation Kit) / ISO 21571
Food,Feed  DAS-40278-9 Corn Type Identification Analysis
Real Time PCR Method

Pre-process: DNA Extraction 
EURL Metot (QT-EVE-ZM-004), ISO 21569, ISO 24276

Kit Metodu (Magnesia 16 Genomic DNA Plant Kit / Eurofins Genespin DNA İsolation Kit) / ISO 21571


Product Groups Covering MethodAnalyses NameOriginal Method SourceAccreditation Status
Food,Feed Enumeration of Aerobic Colony Count Pour Plate TechniqueFDA BAM Chapter 3
Food,Feed, Environmental SamplesEnumeration of Aerobic Colony Count Pour Plate TechniqueTS EN ISO 4833-1
FoodEnumeration of Bacillus cereusFDA BAM Chapter 14 
Enumeration of Bacillus cereus Colony Counting TechniqueTS EN ISO 7932
FoodDetection of Campylobacter spp.ISO 10272-1
FoodEnumeration of  Clostridium perfringensFDA BAM Chapter 16 
Food,FeedEnumeration of  Clostridium perfringens Colony Counting TechniqueISO 7937
Food,FeedDetection of Cronobacter spp. ISO 22964
WaterEnumeration of Clostridium perfringens by Membrane FiltrationISO 14189
Food,Feed Environmental SamplesEnumeration of  Escherichia coli ISO 16649-2
FoodDetection of Escherichia coli O157 and Escherichia coli O157:H7FDA BAM Chapter 4A
Food Feed Detection of Escherichia coli O157ISO 16654
Food (Excluding Milk and Milk Products)Enumeration of Escherichia coli - MPN MethodISO 16649-3
FoodEnumeration of Escherichia coli - MPN MethodISO 7251
Water Enumeration of Escherichia coli and Total Coliform Bacteria by Membrane FiltrationISO 9308-1
FoodEnumeration of Escherichia coli and Fecal Coliform Bacteria - MPN MethodFDA BAM Chapter 4 
Food,Feed Enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae Colony Counting Technique ISO 21528-2
Food,Feed Enumeration of Enterococcus spp.NMKL No: 68 
Meat and Meat Products Determination of Meat Type (Poultry) - Elisa MethodKit Method (Elisa-Tek - Cooked Poultry Species Kit)
Meat and Meat Products Determination of Meat Type  (Pork) - Elisa MethodKit Method (Elisa-Tek - Cooked Pork Species Kit)
Meat and Meat Products Determination of Meat Type  (Horse) - Elisa MethodKit Method (Elisa-Tek - Cooked Horse Species Kit)
Water Enumeration of Fecal Enterococ by Membrane FiltrationTS EN ISO 7899-2
YoghurtEnumeration of Characteristic MicroorganismsTS ISO 7889 
FoodEnumeration of Coliform Bacteria - MPN Method ISO 4831
Food Feed Enumeration of Coliform Bacteria Colony Counting Technique FDA BAM Chapter 4
Food Feed, Environmental SamplesEnumeration of Coliform Bacteria Colony Counting Technique  ISO 4832
Food Feed Enumeration of Mold and Yeast Colony Counting Technique FDA BAM Chapter 18
Enumeration of Mold and Yeast Colony Counting TechniqueISO 21527-1
Enumeration of Mold and Yeast Colony Counting TechniqueISO 21527-2
Enumeration of Mold and Yeast Colony Counting TechniqueAOAC 2014.05, Petrifilm Rapid Yeast and Mold Count Plate
FoodEnumeration of Lactic Acid BacteriaTS ISO 15214 
ButterEnumeration of Lipolytic BacteriaHarrigan WF Mc Cance ME 
Food Feed Detection of Listeria spp. ve Listeria monocytogenesISO 11290-1
Food ,FeedEnumeration of Osmophilic YeastISO 21527-2 
Milk and Milk ProductsEnumeration of Proteolytic BacteriaHarrigan WF Mc Cance ME 
Meat and Meat ProductsEnumeration of Pseudomonas spp. Colony Counting Technique TS ISO 13720
WaterEnumeration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by Membrane FiltrationTS EN ISO 16266
Bakers Yeast Detection of Rope SpoilageTS 3522
Bread and and Flour Products Detection of Rope SpoilageTS 5000
Food Feed Detection of Salmonella spp.ISO 6579-1
Food Feed Enumeration of Coagulase Positive Staphylococ (Staphylococcus aureus and Other Species)FDA BAM Chapter 12
Food,Feed, Environmental SamplesEnumeration of Coagulase Positive Staphylococ (Staphylococcus aureus and Other Species) ISO 6888-1
FoodDetection of Staphylococcal Enterotoxins - Elisa Method Ridascreen Set Total Kit Procedure / R 4105
UHT MilkSterilization ControlThe Official Gazette 28155, TS 1192 
Canned ProductsSterilization ControlTS 10524 
Food Feed Enumeration of Sulfite-Reducing Anaerobic BacteriaISO 15213
WaterEnumeration of Sulfite-Reducing Anaerobic Bacteria by Membrane FiltrationTS 8020 EN 26461-2
Water ProductsDetection of Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio parahaemolyticusFDA BAM Chapter 9
FoodDetection of Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio parahaemolyticusISO 21872-1
FoodDetection of Vibrio vulnificusISO 21872-1 
Gluten Free and Gluten Diminished FoodDetermination of Gluten - Elisa MethodRidascreen Gliadin Kit Procedure / R 4105
Fruit and Vegetable ProductsEnumeration of Mould with Howard SlideAOAC 984.29 
Food, FeedDetection of Salmonella spp.AFNOR BRD 07/11-12/05 RAPID Salmonella Agar-V10