The food, for the protection of sustaining life and health, adequate, stable and safe food supply is of paramount importance.

Production of foodstuffs, the supply chain and hygiene conditions until every last stage of consumption that occurs due to inability to provide enough and the factors that cause food to the change in the level will not be fit for human consumption constitutes a danger to human health.

Microbial degradation of the microorganisms that cause food spoilage in reproductive and metabolic activation results in lower quality food.

The purpose of food microbiology is to provide an examination of the microorganisms that cause spoilage and contamination in food.

In microbiological analyzes, which feature pathogenic microorganisms outside indicator microorganisms are also of great importance. Food poisonings at the beginning of pathogenic microorganisms, "Salmonella spp.", "Listeria monocytogenes", "E.coli O157" comes.

Salmonella is a bacterial cause of diseases such as food poisoning, typhoid or paratyphosis in humans causing many diseases in humans and animals. Apart from these, diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps and vomiting are common symptoms of Salmonella poisoning. In order to prevent cross-contamination of salmonella, care must be taken to ensure that food contact surfaces are cleaned properly, hygiene and sanitation rules must be observed.

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